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Know your car

If you or your children are regular travellers by car, chances are that at some point you may breakdown where roadside assistance is unavailable or some way off.

You may want to know what’s behind all those systems that keep you safe, or why it’s important to do regular basic vehicle checks that will ensure you have both a safe & hassle-free journey.
When a mechanic quotes you on repairs, would you know when they’re possibly unnecessary or unrelated?
Perhaps you simply want the peace of mind that should you have a minor breakdown such as flat tyre, you know where the equipment is kept in your vehicle and how to use it.
I wish to empower you through a two hour course on what to look out for before a trip and when travelling, as well as give you a better understanding of your vehicle, its operation and basic care needs.
Course Duration: 2 hours

Course content:

Engine basics

Braking system basics

Electrical system basics

Wheels & Tyres

Basic vehicle maintenance

Pre trip inspections

What to do/not to do when in an accident

Q&A’s: What would you like to know?

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